Monday, February 27, 2012


Clearing off my computer desk top gave me pause when I clicked on this picture, circa, 1963-ish.  I used the pic for a teaching illustration recently and (at the time) wasn't thinking about all this picture contained.  Now I reflect on this picture.  

That's me with my four brothers in front of our house in Spokane.  Cute little stair-step baby boomer family, right?  I notice my older brother is wearing his saddle shoes!  I'm wearing an outfit my mom made for me.  Another brother wears a sweater hand knit by our  Grandma.
My parents still live in our childhood home. The house we all grew up in.  The house where we witnessed life changes in one another.  The house where we all became teens... some were rebellious, others (me) less so.  The house where we celebrated wedding receptions and family reunions.  The house that still holds us together whenever we can all get "home" at the same time.  For almost 52 years, that old house has held our family memories, the joys, the pains, the hopes and dreams of us all.  My parents now "winter" in Arizona.  I look at the picture of all us then, in front of our house and the memories are so tender.
If I'm still feeling nostalgic later in the week, I may post a more updated picture.  Our family changed in 2006 when one of my brothers died.  Again, the house held all of us in our grief and gathered us under the eves and spread us out onto the patio to celebrate and remember.  It's so nice to have a "home" to visit and remember and be held in.
In a few weeks Peter and I are heading to Arizona to visit my parents in their home away from home.  It's not "home" but it's warm and SUNNY!

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